Domain Tools |
Whois Search Find whois details for domains |
IDN Converter Convert Internationalised Domains from Unicode to/from PunyCode |
Link Popularity Checker Check your domain's link popularity, across the major search engines. |
Google Blacklist Checker Analyze your domain against Google search to determine whether your site has been banned or not. |
Alexa Scores Check the domains Alexa site info. |
Typo Lookup from |
Acronym Lookup from |
UDRP Decision Lookup Domain-Name Dispute |
IP Lookups Find the host, location, whois ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, LACNIC, AFRINIC |
Domain Name Generator Suggests domain name ideas |
Email Blacklist Checker IP & hostname email blacklist tool |
Registrar Stats |
Comprehensive tools for researching Registrars, Domain Names and more
Domain Directory |
- Domain Appraisals
- Domain Brokers
- Domain Coupons
- Domain Development
- Domain Escrow
- Domain Financing
- Domain Forums
- Domain Legal
- Domain Marketplace
- Domain News/Blogs
- Domain Parking Services
- Domain Registrars
- Domaining Software
- Domain Tools
- Drop Catch
- List of TLDs
- SEO Services
- Trade Shows & Events
- Web Hosting Companies
SEO & Search Tools |
- Keyword Discovery
Compiles keyword search statistics from all the major search engines world wide. - Industry Keywords
Identify specific search terms that drive traffic to web sites within each industry category. - SEO and Domain Toolbar
SEO Toolbar with DNS Tools
Other Recommended Tools |
- Competitive Intelligence
Monitor your competitor's web sites to identify their major traffic sources. - URL Trends
Domain Valuation Reports - Drop Domain Report
Aftermarket and Dropped Domains Reports with search volumes. - Buy Traffic
Zero Click Traffic Network - Domain Parking Management
Optimize your existing parked portfolio. - Google Term Searches
Keyword tool shows the monthly volume of searches performed through Google
Dispute Related Links
Dispute Resolution that applies to most gtld's. - ACPA
US Cyberpiracy Prevention Law - Nominet DRS
(UK Dispute policy - applies to all .uk's) - WIPO
Overview of WIPO Panel Views on Selected UDRP Questions
Industry Events
Back to Industry EventsNamesCon 2016Date: Jan 10 - Jan 13, 2016
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
NamesCon is one of the leading conferences dedicated to the domain industry. Domain investors and people who have an interest in domain names go to NamesCon to network and to learn from industry experts. |