Top Registrars
Registrar | Country | Total | % Gain/Loss |
GoDaddy | 61,429,518 | -0.18% | |
NameCheap | 13,793,852 | 0.84% | |
Tucows | 9,277,231 | 0.25% | |
GoogleInc | 7,405,405 | -1.16% | |
Network Solutions | 4,930,740 | -0.01% | |
1 & 1 INTERNET | 4,587,039 | 0.28% | |
NameBright | 4,501,182 | -1.80% | |
BeijingLanhaiJiyeTechnology | 4,336,727 | -0.42% | |
GMO Internet | 3,752,714 | -1.19% | |
Dynadot | 3,525,034 | 1.04% |
Daily DNS Changes
TLD | New | Deleted | Transferred | Current Total |
.net | 5,860 | 9,213 | 7,831 | 12,416,082 |
.org | 5,536 | 5,998 | 5,900 | 11,044,096 |
.xyz | 7,060 | 5,983 | 5,968 | 3,777,540 |
.info | 3,567 | 2,484 | 2,246 | 3,664,773 |
.shop | 5,583 | 15,999 | 6,080 | 3,476,484 |
.online | 4,596 | 5,298 | 6,952 | 2,981,190 |
.top | 8,956 | 9,185 | 2,993 | 2,974,846 |
.pl | 1,810 | 3,192 | 394 | 2,586,146 |
.store | 4,985 | 3,407 | 3,212 | 1,654,332 |
Total | 47,953 | 60,759 | 41,576 | 44,575,489 |
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